14. May 2021 6. – 7. August 2021
Sports centrum Oáza (Prague 4)
National competition in Pole Sport and Aerial Hoop for athletes from the Czech Republic open also to foreign competitors where there is no IPSF competition in 2021.
Because of the pandemic situation around the World competition in 2021 will be through video submissions. But we would like to keep the live competition spirit, so we will build up the stage where the videos will be filmed by professional.
Competition categories Pole Sport:
Senior Women 18-39 years Elite
Senior Men 18-39 years Elite
Masters 40+ Women Elite
Masters 40+ Men Elite
Masters 50+ Women Elite
Masters 50+ Men Elite
Novice 10-14 girls Elite
Novice 10-14 boys Elite
Juniors 15-17 girls Elite
Juniors 15-17 boys Elite
Novice Doubles 10-14 Elite
Junior Doubles 15-17 Elite
Junior Doubles 10-17 Elite
Doubles 18+ W/W Elite
Doubles 18+ W/M Elite
Doubles 18+ M/M Elite
Parapole Elite
Competition categories Aerial Hoop:
Women 18+ Elite
Men 18+ Elite
Doubles mixed 18+ Elite
Novice, mixed category 10-14 let Elite
Junior, mixed category 15-17 let Elite
Youth doubles, mixed 10-17 let Elite
Masters women 40+ Elite
Masters men 40+ Elite
Video Submissions Criteria
- The routine for video judging must adhere to the same rules as prescribed in the IPSF Code of Points documents for Pole Sports and Aerial disciplines. This refers to routine lenght, as well as all rules pertaining to music, choreography, costumes, prohibited props etc.
- The stage will be in Oáza from Friday 6. to Sunday 8. of August 2021
- Maximum of 2 recordings will be permited per athlete who may choose the best recording to submit.
- Athletes will be allowed to film their routine also in certified studios (Czech Pole Sport Open will post a list of certified studios who meets criteria – see the documents below)
- Videos will be judged by IPSF certified judges the same way as it would be a live competition.
Entry fees
Registration and entry fee payment until 31.01.2021 14.05.2021 23:59
We would like to highlight that competitors must be members of Czech Pole Sport Organization, z.s. and also your home studio must to be a member too. Here is more information about Membership.
Singles: 1000,- Kč
Doubles: 1500,- Kč (for the double)
Account number: 2901711378/2010 (Fio bank)
IBAN: CZ95 2010 0000 0029 0171 1378
Variable symbol: the athlete’s date of birth in the format DDMMRR
Note: Name of the athlete + competition category
Important dates